<aside> 🎭 Woman's reproductive information and diagnose is regulated by designs that don't include every woman alive. Stigmatization, high price (sometimes you need to take 2 tests to avoid false-negatives and false-positives) and hard to find information led to woman finding out that they're pregnant till the end of first trimester, where physical evidence (belly, nausea, headache, interruption of menstruation) is the diagnose for pregnancy, or "bad reputation" issues that impact the mental health of woman.


<aside> ✨ Is it possible to recreate the mechanism of pregnancy tests with things that woman might already have in their houses? Can we design a strategy to help woman get comfortable with testing themselves as the now-normalized-COVID-19-tests are?



<aside> 💡 Can a person with uterus find out if they are pregnant on their homes? Can pregnancy tests be 100% home-made?


Contemporary drugstore pregnancy tests are not designed for all circumstances where a quick pregnancy diagnose is needed. They're designed to be urinated at home instead of solving the problem at home. There is a threshold where woman have to go under judgement before they have a certainty about their future. This fact takes a lot more importance when 87% of raping (in Mexico) during childhood is performed by the family of the victim (Gobierno Federal de México, 2020), making the whole process of certainty even more difficult.

This violence is portrayed to the stigma of "not talking about being (or not) pregnant", especially when asking for a medical accurate diagnose, and not being able to approach several woman organizations and feminist collectives who are already helping woman to go through an unwanted pregnancy. In Mexico, the second cause of death for young woman is related with teenage pregnancy (Gobierno Federal de México, 2020). The scope of this project also includes every woman who also wants to continue with the pregnancy but either can't afford a pregnancy test, or can't or won't go to get one. We could include way more feminist fanzines about this.

There is a centralization of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health, clinical procedures and testing. It seems that we can no longer perform these by ourselves. We are subject to a condition of ignorance/submission imposed by the institutionalization and encryption of this knowledge.

Interpretation of results and understanding of what goes on in our reproductive and endocrine system, will allow us to make decisions based on science, and hopefully, all consequences will be intentional.


<aside> 📽️ https://www.notion.so/Lecture-3-Applications-of-Paper-for-Diagnostics-Sep-22-12-30pm-PT-bd25499ce7164b3c834080ccb7756c75
